Upper bound on number of diagrams in Chinese chess
After some work on the number of reachable positions for chess, I turned some attention to Chinese chess. Here is proof of an upper bound for the number of reachable diagrams, I am using the François Labelle definition of diagrams from Statistics on chess positions.
A very simple upper bound is:
I'm working on a better version, but my matrix math approach is getting complicated. Follow the questions at https://math.stackexchange.com/users/97728/full-decent for more on that.
A very simple upper bound is:
which is under 10^53 and 176 bits
Here is the proof, compile with gcc cc-simple.c -l gmp
// A very simple upper bound for Chinese chess diagrams
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
int main()
/* Precompute factorials */
long f[6] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120};
mpz_t fac[91];
mpz_t total;
mpz_t current;
for (int i=0; i<91; i++) {
mpz_fac_ui(fac[i], i);
for (int G=1; G<=1; G++)
for (int A=0; A<=2; A++)
for (int C=0; C<=2; C++)
for (int R=0; R<=2; R++)
for (int H=0; H<=2; H++)
for (int E=0; E<=2; E++)
for (int S=0; S<=5; S++)
for (int g=1; g<=1; g++)
for (int a=0; a<=2; a++)
for (int c=0; c<=2; c++)
for (int r=0; r<=2; r++)
for (int h=0; h<=2; h++)
for (int e=0; e<=2; e++)
for (int s=0; s<=5; s++) {
long army = f[G] * f[A] * f[C] * f[R] * f[H] * f[E] * f[S] *
f[g] * f[a] * f[c] * f[r] * f[h] * f[e] * f[s];
mpz_set(current, fac[90]);
mpz_divexact_ui(current, current, army);
mpz_divexact(current, current, fac[90-G-A-C-R-H-E-S-g-a-c-r-h-e-s]);
mpz_add(total, total, current);
mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, total);
return 0;