I Was Kidnapped in Manila and Lived to Tell About it
Other potential titles:
QBO Innovation Hub, it was awesome.) I had plenty of time to kill and some emails to catch up on, so it's time for some brain food!
The Jeepney and taxi ride
Jeepneys are fun, but I can barely fit inside
My captor hailing a taxi
Other Guy didn't let me take a selfie with him, but I took this one inadvertantly
Little do they know I'm a karaoke veteran
Police report in Makati
Department of State is completely worthless
Google has a record on my account that my phone accessed the weather on Wednesday at 9am. I have no other knowledge about my whereabouts on Wednesday.
That's it. You read to the very bottom of the data appendix section. Thanks. Seriously, thank you. I'm glad to have some closure here. It hasn't been traumatizing. But it is good to be done with it, because I just have so many other things to do in life.
- The US Embassy Doesn't Want You Know About This Kidnapping in Manila
- Scopolamine / Devil's Breath Trip Report
It started Easter weekend
I walked right to the hottest part of town, Makati Ave. and Jupiter Ave., surely there will be something good to eat. And then suddenly, The Guy approaches me, I'm marked.
Hey, I know you are you staying at the Jazz Residences?
Jazz is about a 12 minute walk to here, and I did not walk towards Makati Ave. from that direction since I just came from the meeting. I'm always guarded with information and paying attention to stuff like that. There's about 20 other places I could have been staying. So I assume I did see him at Jazz.
I told him I was thinking about lunch at Inisal and he told me about how great that place was, so I go. And he asks if I'm going to the Easter parade and fireworks afterwards. He gave me a few details and said it's about ten minutes away by Jeepney.
Quick note if you're not filippino: it is totally believable that they might have a parade TWO DAYS AFTER Easter. They take Easter VERY seriously. Like it's the Second Coming of Jesus Christ each year. I mean everyone is singing outside, and it goes on for days.
Anyway, I finished eating a bangin' lunch and met him, as agreed, at the church across the street. Him, his brother Other Guy and aunt or something Pregnant Lady all get in the Jeepney with me.
The drugging

The taxi stops in Zapote, Las Piñas City exactly at a Jeepney stop. We're here and we're a total party of 8 people now including Mina a 30-year-old girl that was The Guy's student in school, Mina's brother, Old Lady who is probably exactly 69 years old and talks constantly about how she loves sex, and Quiet Attractive Late 30s Girl.
Everybody wants to eat, but I'm not hungry. So we go into the restaurant/bar/hole in the wall. I have no problem talking to these people and they're all friendly so let's do it. This place has a video KTV machine, apparently this is called videoke or a carinderia.
They ordered a little fish for me. I had someone else at the table eat some before I eat a couple bites. They ordered a pitcher of beer for the table and I poured my own glass. I pounded it and put it down. Don't let strangers pour your drinks, and don't walk away from your drive they might be tainted, that's what they say.
So I sing a few songs with Mina and Mina's brother. Mina loves 90's loves songs. I know what to do, I put in a coin and dialed in Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men - One Sweet Day. We do a duet, we kill it. She has a great voice, why waste it on a life of crime?! She would not allow me to take her photo but she got my photo.
Something wasn't right, if we're having a good time why wont anyone let me take their photo. Then I pull out my phone and ask if I can get a photo of the table. NO NO! Pregnant Lady is Pregnant, if you take a photo it will mess up the baby. Ok. I didn't really think about it. This is the downside of seeing lots of things, this totally wasn't weird to hear. Then the bitch lights up a cigarette.
I know we have a problem. I don't know what it is, but I'm in trouble. I b-line for the bathroom to pull out my phone in private. I turn on location sharing and send to my wife. Mina tailed me and asked if I felt sick. I didn't. Anyway that's the last thing I remember.
A quick nap at their house
Quiet Attractive Girl's lap. That memory lasted about as long as it took you to read the sentence. Then I woke up in bed at the The Guy's or Mina's house.
Did I pass out? I do that sometimes. It's really hot in here, did have heat exhaustion? Did I drink too much? No, I definitely wasn't drinking with these people because I don't know them. Was I roofied? Maybe, but I don't feel dizzy or nauseous. So I get out of bed to walk downstairs. But my legs don't work, so I use the arms to keep me up.
Other Guy, Pregnant Lady and one or two other people are chilling and chatting downstairs. "Hey what's up?" "Hey." My legs aren't working so I climb back up stairs for a power nap. And then something weird happens.
After a few minutes I wake up. And I'm actively surveying my body to see how I feel. I notice my shoes are off, that's something you learn quickly in American College. But my pen is missing from my pocket. I always travel with a weapon and that was my weapon. It really spooked me to not have my weapon. I didn't notice that my wallet and phone were also missing. Also, Quiet Attractive Girl is sleeping in bed with me. For some reason that didn't seem strange at the time. I check, she's got clothes on, I got clothes on, whatever, close my eyes for a few more minutes.
And I'm out
I wake up alone in a taxi. Mina gives me my phone ("I was charging it for you"), my wallet (sans $100, ₱2000 and ID, but with some money left) and my computer bag fully intact. "See you later."
The taxi wanted ₱500 but my wallet had ₱400. But I did have extra cash hidden on my person. And I got home. It was early Thursday morning. Woah.
Makati police, Manila police, FBI, PH National Police
After a short sleep, I went to Makati Police Station 9 and met the captain. He's sharp and he asks to see the notebook I'm carrying. "What are you going to do if we look pull the ATM videos and find you are taking the money out?" "That didn't happen, I'll change my religion." He believes I was hypnotized.
Two of the officers transport me to the Makati Central Police Station. We're chatting. One officer is very interested my company's business and the opportunity of working with me. Later I hire his daughter, she doesn't work out.
After getting back to the USA, I contact the FBI (not interested), DHS (no jurisdiction), the embassy (form letter response), and the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Group (no response), and the investigator written on the above statement (no response).
I try very hard to inform the US Department of State of my experience so they can issue a travel advisory. No response. I filed a freedom of information act request to find who is even in charge of travel advisories. No useful response. Now I am appealing their useless response to my request for responsible person contact information.
Since my request, another incident has happened in Manila which President Donald Trump has called a terrorist attack.
I learned that even if you pour your own drink, and inspect the glass, it could still be compromised. The drugs are invisible. Also I posted furiously on Reddit and Twitter to learn more, since law enforcement was of zero help. Apparently the drug they used is Scopolamine / Devil's Breath. I got an STD test (came negative) a week later.
Here's all the data I have about my kidnapping. Law enforcement did not help investigate. So if you know any way to get the relevant video footage from banks, or malls, the streets or Shakeys in Batangas then maybe this will help.
Here's the main map from my phone's location. I notice that when I passed out they immediately turned on the "do not lock" setting. This quickly used up my battery.Google Timeline of Tuesday
Location data from images on my phone. I met The Guy at noon and 12:20 on Makati Avenue and was with him at these other times and locations.Image | Date | Lat | Long |
IMG_3450.JPG | 2017:04:18 12:17:09 | 14 deg 33' 43.01" N | 121 deg 1' 41.65" E |
IMG_3451.JPG | 2017:04:18 12:25:32 | 14 deg 33' 43.37" N | 121 deg 1' 40.61" E |
IMG_3451.MOV | 2017:04:18 04:25:32 | 14 deg 33' 43.20" N | 121 deg 1' 40.44" E |
IMG_3452.JPG | 2017:04:18 13:51:14 | 14 deg 28' 53.58" N | 120 deg 58' 55.73" E |
IMG_3452.MOV | 2017:04:18 05:51:17 | 14 deg 28' 53.40" N | 120 deg 58' 55.56" E |
IMG_3456.JPG | 2017:04:18 13:57:41 | 14 deg 28' 53.43" N | 120 deg 58' 53.81" E |
IMG_3456.MOV | 2017:04:18 05:57:42 | 14 deg 28' 53.40" N | 120 deg 58' 53.76" E |
IMG_3457.JPG | 2017:04:18 13:57:47 | 14 deg 28' 53.43" N | 120 deg 58' 53.86" E |
IMG_3457.MOV | 2017:04:18 05:57:48 | 14 deg 28' 53.40" N | 120 deg 58' 53.76" E |
IMG_3458.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:02:23 | 14 deg 28' 53.42" N | 120 deg 58' 53.78" E |
IMG_3458.MOV | 2017:04:18 06:02:23 | 14 deg 28' 53.40" N | 120 deg 58' 53.76" E |
IMG_3459.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:02:33 | 14 deg 28' 53.43" N | 120 deg 58' 53.75" E |
IMG_3459.MOV | 2017:04:18 06:02:34 | 14 deg 28' 53.40" N | 120 deg 58' 53.76" E |
IMG_3460.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:04:47 | 14 deg 28' 53.04" N | 120 deg 58' 55.13" E |
IMG_3460.MOV | 2017:04:18 06:04:47 | 14 deg 28' 53.04" N | 120 deg 58' 55.20" E |
IMG_3461.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:04:51 | 14 deg 28' 53.04" N | 120 deg 58' 55.13" E |
IMG_3462.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:04:54 | 14 deg 28' 53.04" N | 120 deg 58' 55.13" E |
IMG_3463.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:05:25 | 14 deg 28' 53.03" N | 120 deg 58' 55.18" E |
IMG_3464.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:09:36 | 14 deg 28' 52.84" N | 120 deg 58' 54.96" E |
IMG_3465.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:09:46 | 14 deg 28' 52.52" N | 120 deg 58' 54.74" E |
IMG_3466.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:09:47 | 14 deg 28' 52.52" N | 120 deg 58' 54.74" E |
IMG_3467.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:09:49 | 14 deg 28' 52.71" N | 120 deg 58' 54.88" E |
IMG_3468.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:26:19 | 14 deg 28' 26.73" N | 120 deg 58' 40.05" E |
IMG_3469.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:26:19 | 14 deg 28' 26.73" N | 120 deg 58' 40.05" E |
IMG_3470.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:26:20 | 14 deg 28' 26.98" N | 120 deg 58' 40.16" E |
IMG_3471.JPG | 2017:04:18 14:26:20 | 14 deg 28' 26.98" N | 120 deg 58' 40.16" E |
IMG_3472.JPG | 2017:04:18 15:12:09 | 14 deg 27' 54.04" N | 120 deg 58' 6.37" E |
IMG_3473.JPG | 2017:04:18 15:12:13 | 14 deg 27' 54.04" N | 120 deg 58' 6.37" E |
IMG_3474.JPG | 2017:04:18 15:12:15 | 14 deg 27' 54.08" N | 120 deg 58' 6.43" E |
IMG_3475.JPG | 2017:04:18 17:30:51 | 14 deg 27' 56.37" N | 120 deg 58' 4.09" E |
IMG_3476.JPG | 2017:04:18 17:30:51 | 14 deg 27' 56.37" N | 120 deg 58' 4.09" E |
IMG_3477.JPG | 2017:04:18 17:30:53 | 14 deg 27' 56.39" N | 120 deg 58' 4.07" E |
Nobody has been able to help me learn the IP address of how my phone accessed that event. I don't even know if my phone was on their home wifi network… because iPhones just don't work like that.
My phone was Globe Telecom with phone number +63 0995 623 4594. I have my IMEI available too if you are in a position to help.
My phone was Globe Telecom with phone number +63 0995 623 4594. I have my IMEI available too if you are in a position to help.
Later, with the help of Upwork and my personal contacts, I was able to identify the restaurant where I was drugged.
Photo from Helper A
Photo from Helper B
Both helpers identified the restaurant as NENENG EATERY & VIDEOKE in Zapote, Las Pinas City. I asked them to take photos of specific parts of the restaurant and I can confirm that it is a match.
Credit/debit card use
HSA Bank credit card 4031333270199318
Date | Amount | Location |
2017-04-21 | 204.51 USD | MERCURY DRUG CAEDO COMM C |
2017-04-21 | 603.07 USD | SM SUPERMARKET SM LIP |
2017-04-21 | 616.12 USD | SM SUPERMARKET SM LIP |
HSA Bank specifically has a policy that foreign transactions will be blocked. But they failed to implement this policy.
Capital One MasterCard
Total fraudulent cash withdrawals were $998.56 USD.Date | Time | Amount (USD) | Location |
2017-04-18 | 12:23:31 | 24.26 | Las Piñas, BPI Branch 0428 |
2017-04-18 | 12:35:41 | 206.18 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
2017-04-18 | 12:36:37 | 206.18 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
2017-04-18 | 12:37:39 | 206.18 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
2017-04-18 | 12:38:45 | 206.18 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
2017-04-18 | 12:41:44 | 105.11 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
2017-04-18 | 12:42:42 | 44.47 | Cavite-MGT, BDO/00302803/BR803 ATM 02 |
- Note: these are account posting times in New York Time. The actual transaction time may be earlier.
- BDO branch is at New Hall Commercial Center, Governor's Drive corner Crisanto Delos Santos Avenue, Brgy. Manggahan, General Trias, Cavite. Information provided by BDO at +63 (2) 631-8000.
Amazon Chase Visa Card 4147202298597137
Total fraudulant transactions were $3,603.27 USD.Transaction Date | Post Date | Description | City/Phone | Amount (USD) |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE BATANGAS | BATANGAS CITY | 554.46 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE LIPA | LIPA CITY | 58.50 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE BATANGAS | BATANGAS CITY | 415.13 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE BATANGAS | BATANGAS CITY | 321.56 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SHELL IMMACULATE SERVI | CAVITE | 28.54 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM SUPERMARKET SM BAT | BATANGAS CITY | 617.61 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE BATANGAS | BATANGAS CITY | 421.88 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM SUPERMARKET SM BAT | BATANGAS CITY | 605.06 |
2017-04-19 | 2017-04-20 | SM DEPT STORE BATANGAS | BATANGAS CITY | 574.56 |
- Note: these transaction dates are in New York Time.
American Express Business Card 371559022481010
Total fraudulent transactions were 89,762.20 PHP.Transaction date | Transaction time | Location | Transaction | Amount (PHP) |
2017-04-18 | 04:41 | Cash withdrawal / Location unknown | No reference number | 10,050 |
2017-04-18 | 10:19 | Max’s Restaurant / SM City Batangas | 320171090464634280 | 6,601 |
2017-04-19 | 03:41 | SM City Lipa | 320171090464704296 | 29,780 |
2017-04-19 | 04:13 | SM City Lipa | 320171090464565129 | 7,590 |
2017-04-19 | 04:19 | SM City Lipa | 320171090464565213 | 29,880 |
2017-04-19 | 07:06 | Batangas Shakey's 4200 | 320171090464705631 | 5,177.20 |
2017-04-19 | 07:06 | Batangas Shakey's 4200 | 320171090464705890 | 718 |
- Note: there are two Shakey's in postal code 4200. It is likely that only one of those locations had a charge for exactly 5,177.20 PHP.
That's it. You read to the very bottom of the data appendix section. Thanks. Seriously, thank you. I'm glad to have some closure here. It hasn't been traumatizing. But it is good to be done with it, because I just have so many other things to do in life.