这就是桃园吗? Trip to Taiwan

So we got to Taiwan, which is a total of 22 hours of travel from Philadelphia.

There's a few things you notice in Taiwan right away, so let's discuss those first:
There's only one model of truck available for sale on the island, and it only comes in blue. Everyone drives only this truck... and it's smaller than most American cars.
You watch live baseball at 9am, and Japanese advertisements are superimposed over the field.
There's nothing Asian models fear more... that looking Asian. SPF 100 cream makes them look like white people
ALL drinks are available with ice cream... cola, Sprite, tea, beer

In the first week we saw a cemetery, basically this is like a filing cabinet for people.

What is Binglang?

It's the nut of a plentiful, indigenous tree. But when they sell it, it's laced with tobacco, cleaning powder, ground up pain killers... pretty much a buch of nasty stuff so that if you chew it you get meth mouth. Who would want that? They have retail distribution in prime real estate everywhere with 24/7 availability and competingly bright LED lights and roadside delivery. Oh, and it's sold by women in bikinis.

Directions to any Binglang shop:

Start at the nearest Binglang shop, walk 100m in any direction... you have arrived at a Binglang shop.


This bra has four layers of customizable padding. If American bras are Saran wrap, this is like wearing a space suit.

See all the photos on FD Camera Life -> http://camera.phor.net/2011-11%20Taiwan


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