There are a lot of ways to communicate in this day and age. I have found that some communication channels consistently produce better news than others... My last 3 received phone calls: Hey Will, I just looked at your Comcast account and found that you are paying too much. I fixed it now and you will save $130/mo. K S I had a great time last night. We should have a pajama party soon. Anonymous I want to have a meeting with you, and when we're done I can mail you a check. C T My last 3 received TXT messages: Let's hang out, I'm at 27th and Parrish S S I'm in NYC screaming out the window [because of the Giants' win] D C Just a reminder, it's Mardi Gras -- girls everywhere are showing their boobs. M P My last 3 received Emails messages: We don't have anyone to speak at our next Toastmasters meeting! D C Please update something for me on a website. S K Here is list of books you need to read in the next 2 weeks. D F