Is Free Internet Chess Server (FICS) a registered nonprofit? Are donations tax deductible?
I have been trying to get involved in the FICS project, the largest and oldest free online chess server. After playing for many years there, maybe there is something I can give back.
It would be nice to know more about their organization and who the real people involved are. Even though there are so many people actively playing there, information about the project is sparse and dated, and I can get in contact with any admins via email. Investigating further, I have the following to share.
The entity that owns and operates the FICS (or used to) is Free Internet Chess Organization, a Minnesota corporation. Their original address was:
So, at this point donations are not tax deductible.
It would be nice to know more about their organization and who the real people involved are. Even though there are so many people actively playing there, information about the project is sparse and dated, and I can get in contact with any admins via email. Investigating further, I have the following to share.
The entity that owns and operates the FICS (or used to) is Free Internet Chess Organization, a Minnesota corporation. Their original address was:
P.O. Box 3212While operating out of
Burnsville, MN 55337
13306 Court PlBut is now
Burnsville MN 55337 USA
8708 31ST Ave NOriginally the FICS was registered as a non-profit on 07/31/1998, however the entity has been dissolved as of 01/16/2007 according to the State of Minnesota.
New Hope Mn 55427
So, at this point donations are not tax deductible.